Many people had asked for more information on how to easily program their lights via Midi through the DMX protocol.
So I made a short tutorial where I show my method and my equipment.
This video is not intended for DMX experts because things that I show are certainly already known to them, while instead it could be very useful to all those who need to program their lights in a simple way and without having to buy expensive equipment and require a very long learning because they are often really complex.
My system obviously it has limitations but I think it can brilliantly solve the problem of programming the lights for the vast majority of small bands.
I just hope it will be useful to many of you 🙂
What Dmx interface i need ?
You don’y need any DMX interface, just a DMX controller that has a Midi IN port (mandatory)
i will need to program manually all single scenes on the Dmx Controller?
Yes, of course. Anyway you has to to this with ANY systems.
Can i launch automatic program of my Light set?
Sure, just assign a scene /and a midi note) to the right DMX code of your light.
How many light can i control?
NO limit. Anyway if you chain lots of different light i suggest to get a DMX splitter. all will be more stable and also if a lights go wrong/off, all other will continue to run.
What kind of light can i control?
Any light tha has a DMX interface 🙂
Can i control a fog machine?
Yes. Anyway basic Fog machine usually has very limited dmx controls (usually on/off)
Can i program the dimmer?
No, but you can set the Dimmer intensity with a scene. So if you need a RED at 50% and a RED at 100% you will need to program 2 different scenes. Maybe there are some way to crete a dimmering editing the midinotes, but still not tried it.
How to know what are the note reference for each scene?
just read the manual of Dmx controller, it’s all there 😉
How do I program three different types of light and make them work together?
you simply have to create a scene by setting its effect for each light
How do I know the note numbers corresponding to the scenes
you need to refer to the DMX controller manual.
As a simple reference you can use this table
or check this
or this