Starting from 2023, March 01, the commercial conditions of sale of our product will change.
In order to avoid misunderstandings, we ask all active customers to read this article very carefully.
the “Unlimited license” will no longer be available.
The new licenses will have a lower initial purchase cost, but can be installed on a single machine.
Obviously the additional licenses will be available at a discounted price but still higher than the current one. In practice there will be no obligation to necessarily install the first license on a USB stick.
Therefore, starting from March 1, 2023, we will no longer sell unlimited licenses, but only single licenses to be installed and activated separately for each computer you want to use.
What happens for existing customers that purchase “unlimited license”?
Existing customers with active licenses will no be affected by changes and don’t have to do anything at all, other than continue using their licenses as they always have.
Our customers are fully protected so all their licenses, including the unlimited one on a USB stick, will continue to work regularly and can be updated as always.
Old customers will always be able to purchase any additional licenses at the discounted price reserved for them, that is lower than the price of the new additional licenses.
We intend to 100% safeguard the investment made by customers who have trusted us.